GEK Kit Operation Manual

return to How to Build and Run the GEK Gasifier 

Rev 4.3 Updated"041112

GEK Kit Operation Manual

Version 3.5-4.x

Basic GEK & TOTTI, Level III & IV Kits 


Table of Contents

I. Notes about Safety 

II. Recommended Tools

III. Assembly Prerequisites

IV. FiIlter Media 

V. Adding Charcoal to the Reactor 

VI. Feedstock Requirements and Filling the Hopper

VII. Double Check & Cold Test

 VIII. Manometer and Thermocouples

IX. Operating the GEK: Start Up and Shutdown

X. Maintenance


I. Notes about Safety 


Before you start, and whenever you run a gasifier, please remember the following . . . 

Please wear safety goggles at all times while operating the PowerPallet or the GEK Gasifier. 


Review the health guidelines of carbon monoxide:

A gasifier is a dangerous thermo-chemical device.  Like most useful tools, it will do damage if used incorrectly.   A gasifier purposely generates carbon monoxide and other dangerous volatile organic gases as an interim step before combustion of the gas in a flare or engine.   Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and will quickly colonize your hemoglobin, leaving no sites left for oxygen to land.  Acute exposure to carbon monoxide can be harmful or fatal.  Exposure to other VOCs is similarly problematic.  (In short, it is somewhat like smoking cigarettes, just exponentially worse.)


Always use a gasifier outdoors, and with extensive ventilation.  Always stay out of the smoke and/or produced gas before it is combusted.  Know that this is NOT typical campfire smoke.  Do NOT treat it as if it were.  The carbon monoxide concentrations in gasifier gas are higher than in other "smokes".  You can get in trouble quickly, usually before you realize it. 


Always have a fast reacting carbon monoxide meter in the area where you are working.  Ideally, hang one on a tether around your neck.  Carbon monoxide meters are included in your kit, if not they are available at more hardware stores in the smoke detector section.



Do not run the GEK Gasifier or PowerPallet without filter media in the gas filter. Lack of filter media in the gas filter can allow a large volume of wood gas and air mixture. Large volumes of near stoichiometric mixture can pose a danger of explosion. 



II. Recommended Tools and Materials:

  1. Biomass 


  1. Highly recommended tools and materials include:  


III.  Assembly Prerequisites


IV. Filter Media

Warning! Lack of filter media in the reactor can allow for the volume to fill with a stoichiometric mixture of gas and air which can allow potential for explosion. Never run the GEK or PowerPallet systems with an empty gas filter. 




  1. Place the Perf Disk on the support bolts at the bottom of the filter.
  2. Fill the first 2'' of space with ~1'' dia. charcoal.  
  3. Fill the rest of the gas filter with charcoal between 1/2''-1/16th'' up to the top.
  4. If you have the Filter Foam Disks, save room at the top to add these. Place the Coarse Foam (65dpi) first and then the second Fine Foam (45dpi) on the top. Make sure that the filter lid does not compress the foam filters.
  5. If you do not have the Filter Foam Disks, use an organic mesh cloth (cloth, t-shirt, or rag works very well) to completely cover the top of the media. Make sure the cloth covers the bulk to the edges so that the small bulk media particles do not escape with the gas stream. 
  6. Next place the second Perf Disk on top of the filter media. 
  7. Attach the Filter Barrel Lid.  



V. Adding Charcoal to the Reactor 



VI. Feedstock Requirements and Filling the Hopper

  1. Feed stock requirements

We promote your experimentation with all kinds of feed stocks with our systems, however we have noted that outside of these requirements of the feed stock may require some additional components, filters, or reactor design. If you have questions about your feed stock, please send an email to with the following information: particle size distribution, moisture content, species, a picture, and your end use of the gasifier; and we will send you advice on your proposed feed stock according to your use. 



More on the GEK Forum:


     2. Filling the Hopper


VII. Double Check & Cold Test

Before lighting, always double check everything! It is much easier to trouble shoot the preliminaries before the gasifier gets hot. 

  1. Gaskets and Seals




     2. Cold Test 


VIII. Manometer and Thermocouples

  1. Manometer




     2. Thermocouples



IX. Operating the GEK: Start up and Shutdown

Saftey! Be aware, and remember protective eye equipment, when dealing with the combustion of fuels there is always a potential of explosions.

  1. Air Flow
  2. Ignition 
  3. Flare
  4. Sustained Flare
  5. Proper Gas Pull Rates and Ranges

10+ Overpull

8 Maximum

6 Good

5 Ideal

4 Good

2 OK

1 Minimum

0-1 Underpull




     6. Filter







     7. Note rate of fuel consumption


     8. Shut down

     9. Ponder


X. Maintenance


WARNING: Before opening the GEK system when cold, connect the compressor up to the Ejector, open the Flare Valve, place the propane torch in the swirl burner and increase the flow from the air compressor. Purge the wood gas out of the system for a few minutes before opening the system to do maintenance. We have never had issues with CO exposure during the running of the gasifier, it is usually when it is cold and not running that people may become casual and forget that the unit still contains wood gas even when the system is cold and its been well after the last run. <BE AWARE>


  1. Reactor
  2. Gas Lines
  3. Cyclone
  4. Gas Filter

     5. Reassemble the GEK


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