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GEK User Pages and Run Reports
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last edited
by Austin 12 years ago
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GEKs Around the World
Welcome to the GEK User pages. Here you'll find customer profiles, photos, videos and run reports from all corners of the globe. Check out the map of GEKs around the world.
The installations range from R&D test beds to regular use installations for electricity generation, heating and shaft power. Reports range from hand waving to hard science and most everything in between. Enjoy the show, and feel free to add a bit of your own. This is a wiki page so you are welcome to edit or add as you like. (More photos of user rigs are in the User Gallery in the GEK Forum.
Over 40 University research and education groups are using the GEK Gasifier in their courses and conducting high level research Their research and publications go on to further our knowledge base about the science of gasification while educating the next generation of gasification experts.
From highschool students to PhD students, we've supported professors to develop a variety of courses and programs, design class projects and in depth research, and collaborated in submitting grants for funding.
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From backyard tinkering to larger development and integration, the scope of projects with the GEK as a modular platform is quite large. With some elbow grease and intuition of mechanical and electrical systems, GEK customers have impressed us with everything from wood gas vehicle conversions, mobile platforms, automation and control, CHP and heating systems, reactor modifications, or even fuel cells and gas-to-liquids experiments,, And more!
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A host of GEKs get sent to the corners of the world to service self-reliant folks and communities with efficient heat and electrical production from local waste feed stocks. The automated PowerPallet will host off-grid electrical right out of the box, while our grid-tie systems will be coming out soon. Withsome knowledge about electrical systems, those who already have a generator are up and running with the GEK TOTTI kits.
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GEKs go to work for many different types of companies. Jobs for the GEK include making use of waste feed stocks on the farm (agricultural residue), wood working operations (saw mills, wood shop lathings, slash), green advocacy groups and programs (demos and education), zoos and animal husbandry (animal waste combined with bedding material), research companies (providing wood gas or development platform), energy consulting companies (demos, pilot plants, development), etc.
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The community branches out farther than just the GEK systems. Other projects include the Biochar Experimenters Kit (BEK), the 100kW Powertainer, full automation and control with the Process Control Board (PCU). We've supported collaborators and independents in system design and integration, experimental reactor designs, energy consulting and market implementation strategy.
A network of trained GEK and gasifiation systems experts host workshops, training sessions, and provide on site support around the world to provide resources for new projects.
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And even more GEKs:
Dave Conway's DIY GEK - Canada
07ADuncan |
University Of West Virginia |
Analysis of GEK wood gas with GC at Mississippi State University
Rogue Community College:
Grants Pass, OR
Larson runs small engines with the GEK
Big Island Growers: PCU runs Biochar production in Hawaii
Gerd: GEK Fabrication from solar energy, California
Holger hosts Gasification Workshop in Germany
Adam Asquith: University of Hawaii
Chena Hot Springs: Alaska
GEK in the curriculum at
Laguna Creek High School
Louis-Martin Dion at McGill University Montreal, QC, Canada
GEK Runs with tropical biomass at the Philippines Gasification Workshop
Bilder's GenGas Blog
Thermya: France
John Kinstler's GEK:
Art School of Chicago
Denver Zoo: Denver, Colorado
GEK workshop in Michigan
Charlie Sellers: Berkeley, CA
Gabe and Nathan:
GEK fabrication, Colorado
Yoav with EcoPower Africa
BioSpeks Rikanda Sia, Latvia
Terry's Riding Lawnmower: Michigan
Kauai Agricultural
Research Station, Hawaii
Kenny in Nevada
Ethan's GEK fabrication and research project at Appalachian State Univ.
Troutner Pyrolysis Experiment
Gerardo Diaz:
Research at UC Merced
GEK Fabrication in Alabama
Marcus Bryner: Grants Pass, Oregon
Walt and Opalyn at windward.org: Columbia Gorge, Oregon
Guy Robinson and Don Larsen: Minnesota
Rex in South Africa
University of Minnesota, Morris
Biomass Gasification Project
Renewable Energy Research, USDA
Luc Gosselin
BC, Canada
Grant Shotwell
Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania
running a 4cyl Continental genset
Brian Gautreau
Colorado Springs, Colorado
One World Eco-farm Tallamanca, Costa Rica
Ken Boak at PowerCubes, UK
Ken's GEK report page on this wiki
Jay Martin
Spring Mills, Pennsylvania
Steve Adler's Poultry Farm
Rhode Island
Jofran Oliveria
Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
George Markt&Russ Lanchance, PhD
West Point, NY thermal imaging camera
Bruce Chovnick's Trailer mounted GEK using horse bedding/manure. Morriston, Florida
Grant Miller
The Village at Sewanee Creek
Frank Mannix: GEK powered VW Thing;
Dave's DIY PowerPallet
Eric Bauer
near Lambeau Field
Maggiolini's DIY GEK
DIY GEK by Chandra in
Chris's Automatic Feed Hopper addition
Utah state University |
Bill's GEK Tractor project, from Florida. |
FlickrGEK Group Photos:
Put your assembly and run photos here.
YouGEK Group Videos
Put your assembly and run videos here.
Some highlights
For more information, see main GEK site.
GEK User Pages and Run Reports
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