Rev: 4.3; Date: 041112
GEK Licensing
Fabrication, Assembly, and Operating Manuals
GEK Gasifier & PowerPallet

The following instructions for fabricating, assembling and running the GEK gasifier. The instructions support a variety of build paths-- from complete DIY wood gas plans for scrap tank hacks, to assembling and firing the various complete gasifier kits offered by ALL Power Labs. CAD drawings, plumbing inventories, hearth dimensions, and associated support materials are provided in detail to enable your gasifier building and operation. All resources are divided by version, so make sure you are working with the most recent one.
These materials are offered under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. You are welcome to use these materials free of charge for any personal use- whether non-profit or for profit. If you do so, we request you acknowledge the source and similarly post documentation of updates and/or new additions you come up with to the GEK Forum and/or GEK Wiki. The only use limitation concerns commercial manufacturing and resale. If you are going in this direction, see the GEK license for more info.
Current Manuals
GEK PowerPallet
Version B5-Current
Process Control Unit (PCU)
Version 2.00-3.02
GEK Gasifier
Version 3.0-4.x
Current Assembly and Fabrication Instructions
GEK Level IV Kits (fabrication complete, ready for final assembly)
Version 4.x
GEK Level III Kits (you weld and assemble)
Version 4.x
GEK Level I, CAD Files
Version 4.0
Components, Assemblies, Accessories, Add-Ons, Projects, and References
Scaling up the GEK

Archive of Documentation for Older Versions
GEK Gasifier
- GEK v3.x
- GEK v3.5
- GEK v3.0
- GEK v2.x
- For instructions and manuals to older versions, please contact
Components, Assemblies, Accessories, Add-Ons, Projects, and References
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